Dental Implantology: Mini Implant Abutments

Dental Implantology: Mini Implant Abutments
One of the ongoing problems in Mini Implant Dentistry is the need for an elegant prosthodontic solution. The BUDs are my contribution to this need. Here the 3 unit bridge is being cemented over the BUDs as seen in the previous picture. The BUDs are cemented or bonded over the mini implant heads, and the excess cement cleared off immediately. The advantage here is that we can actually eyeball it to make sure that no excess cement is left and this will prevent any inflammation or beachhead for pathogens to gain a foothold on and eventually cause peri-implantitis.
A rubber dam is used during cementation so as to prevent cement from seeping into the transmucosal passage of the dental implants.Hope my readers found them interesting.
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