Mini Implant Systems | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants

Mini Implant Systems | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants: "What is a transitional and what is a provisional and what is an implant and what are their differences? I guess a transitional and a provisional is synonymous and by definition means something temporary until something permanent can be placed. Its probably something like a temporary resin-acrylic bridge until a permanent ceramic bridge is placed.Though nowadays we are seeing more and more composite bridges which last a long time. What do we call them then…..long term use composite bridges? In the mentioned case the transitionals as they grow stronger and more lasting are gradually morphing into permanents! Or should we call them pretenders to the throne? If what Todd says is true, he has at least 2000 fixed crowns and bridges masquerading as permanents for the last 3 to 6 years.Are they now still transitional, longterm, temporary or permanent? Who is the authorised guardian of these terms? Maybe as professionals, we should be wary of being tied down to terms without understanding the rationale behind them. What is important seems to be will it work clinically without compromising basic science and material characteristics. Hope these does not confuse too much but bring about returning regularly to first principles to make sure we are not propagating some standard that was set some time ago and has remained static although the dynamics has changed"


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