Mini Dental Implants: Extensive Debate | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants: Extensive Debate | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants: "Dear NikkiB,
Your mum sounds like one of my patients. 4 mini implants were place on his lower ridge and his loose lower denture was fastened reversibly to the implants. Reversibly means that the denture can be fastened and removed at will for cleaning purposes. Generally, the existing dentures is used so that the patient need not have to get used to a new set of dentures. Once the patient is used to the implants, a new denture can be made if necessary. This particular patient was 82 years old. He was able to eat much better that very night. Hope your mum’s problem is solved soon. Mini implants are very forgiving in the sense that its easier to place than the conventional sized implants and if one fails, it can be removed easily and a new one placed immediately if necessary. warmest regards. Dr. kfchow"


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