K. F. Chow BDS., FDSRCS November 16th, 2010 “Wolff’s law” states that bone models and remodels in response to the mechanical stresses it experiences so as to produce a minimal-weight structure that is ‘adapted’ to its applied stresses. The behaviour of bone according to Wolff’s law mirrors a fundamental trait of mother nature, i.e. optimal economic use of substance in the performance of a function. Thus to use a wide diameter implant because there is a wide hole seems to contradict this fundamental. A living organism deserves to be treated according to living rules of life, not static non-living engineering presumptions. Granted that we need to use a titanium screw, since the tooth germ implant is not yet available….. it does make more organic living sense to use the optimal titanium necessary to allow maximal living tissue around it and thus also minimize the perio pocket that inevitably forms around all dental implants. Minimized and optimized diameter implants should be the tr...