
Maintenance of Hygiene for a Minidentalimplant Bridge

Maintenance of hygiene for a bridge is important. This minidentalimplant bridge can be flossed anteriorly and posteriorly and also in between the implant abutments. The bridge is designed so that the interproximal clefts are generally between the mini dental implants. Thus it is important not only to place the minis parallel but also precisely in the middle of where a normal tooth is expected to be. This will lend itself to ease of bridge design for the technician as well as ease of flossing in between the implants with the help of a bridge cleaner. The narrow diameter of the minis results in a corresponding narrow transmucosal passage of the dental implant as it traverses the gum and emerges into the mouth. Logically then, it will have a lower chance of infection and peri-implantitis as compared to conventional larger diameter implants especially accompanied by an aesthetic emergence profile that demands a broader transmucosal passage especially at the point where it emerges into t...
This the final result after the rubberdam has been removed. Later, I will show a photo showing how this bridge can be maintained by cleaning the underside or mucosa interface of the porcelain fused to metal bridge. This is important for the prevention of infection and for the longterm health of the soft tissue around the dental implant. Thus we can replace missing teeth that not only look good, but bite well and last long.

Dental Implantology: Mini Implant Abutments

Dental Implantology: Mini Implant Abutments One of the ongoing problems in Mini Implant Dentistry is the need for an elegant prosthodontic solution. The BUDs are my contribution to this need. Here the 3 unit bridge is being cemented over the BUDs as seen in the previous picture. The BUDs are cemented or bonded over the mini implant heads, and the excess cement cleared off immediately. The advantage here is that we can actually eyeball it to make sure that no excess cement is left and this will prevent any inflammation or beachhead for pathogens to gain a foothold on and eventually cause peri-implantitis. A rubber dam is used during cementation so as to prevent cement from seeping into the transmucosal passage of the dental implants.Hope my readers found them interesting.

Mini Implant Abutments

Three implant abutments. These are called BUDs which stand for B ridge U nderpinning D evice. Two of them are stainless steel buds and one is a composite bud.

Dr Chow on connection problems between the implant and the crown

April 15th, 2009 All things being equal, i.e. no major systemic problem and local conditions are healthy…a morse taper connection ensures that there is no microgap between the fixture and the abutment and therefore no toxic pump as a result of colonisation of the gap together with function. Fact is the 2 pieces behave like one piece….basic engineering principle. Thus in makes like Astra, Bicon, Ankylos and others like some Korean Implants, the Morse taper connections cum platform shifting(if its Morse taper, it automatically translates into a platform shift), there is little or no bone resorption in the majority of cases. In fact often it can be seen that the bone grows right onto the “gap”! There are 2 critical margins:- one is the abutment-fixture margin and the other is the abutment-crown margin which is also a major problem in that excess cement from this margin often remains in the gum-implant interface and can cause resorption of the bone as well as inflammation of the gums. Th...

Dr Chow on Allergy to grafts in oral implantology

Dr K. F. Chow  May 14th, 2009 Theoretically, an individual can be allergic to anything because anything can be an allergen i.e. a substance that is considered by the immune system as a foreign body. Once the immune system identifies a foreign body, it responds basically 4 different possible ways…..4 types of hypersensitivity mediated either by B cells of T cells. Your patient’s sounds like the 4th type….T cell mediated delayed hypersensitivity……allergic contact dermatitis likely due to your gloves..powder….ointment or something that touched your patient’s face. Treatment is usually steroids systemic or topical or both. If things are getting better, that means things are getting better and no drastic treatment like removing the grafts etc. is necessary. Just make a note on your patient’s record and avoid the possible causes in the future. Cheers!

Flapless Implant Surgery | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants

Flapless Implant Surgery | OsseoNews Discussions on Dental Implants : "A volumetric scan is ideal but need not be essential provided you know your anatomy and make full use of whatever low tech but economical techniques that are available like what had been described. In many parts of the world, we may not have the scan and use of it may put it out of reach of almost everyone except the very affluent; not to mention a computer fabricated surgical stent. As it is many who need implants cannot afford them. Optimal technology suitable for the context especially the economy of the local people should be used together with a large dose of common sense. Dental implants are the best replacement of lost teeth. As such we should strive to bring its extraordinary life-changing benefits to as many people as possible. Having said that, we should continue to develop more and more accurate means, hightech or otherwise in order to place implants better and faster and more affordably."