This gentleman wanted to be able to chew again on his right jaw. A very narrow ridge. We placed in the implants and usually in such cases, the bridge is cemented permanently within a month. The bridge was cemented. As a result, the patient was able to chew his food again. It encouraged him so much that within six months,after a successful removal of bladder stones, he began to exercise regularly and cut down in his smoking. The last time we saw him, he was hale and hearty and telling his friends about how dental implants changed his life for the better. ANOTHER CASE OF KNIFE EDGED RIDGE This is a patient who already had a conventional in place from another dentist and came back from another country. We placed in a Mostdi and a mostdibud and cemented a two unit bridge over it. Yes. We practise lipping over the mucosa liberally. It is a practice which every dentist have used successfully over the years with conventional bridges built on natural teeth. The main problem then were and ...